Holly has been a creative spirit since early childhood growing up in Metro Detroit, influenced by a love for comedy, cartoons, and eye catching urban street art. Allured by the evergreen landscapes and alternative flair of Seattle, in 2013 Holly planted new roots in the Pacific Northwest. With a little humor and a lot of love, artist and illustrator Holly Vedder consistently captures moments in time. Whether it is her tastebud tantalizing typography or heart warming narratives, her work stimulates our senses and tugs at our emotions.
Her creative process is a form of meditation to stay grounded and connected to the world around her. Layering various paint and ink mediums speaks to the many layers and depth of the subject itself. Her loving connections with those closest to her as well as her passion for nature adventures and baking, pours out on the canvas. Drawing inspiration from her own unique experience, the subjects of her work take the forms of objects and characters she interacts with in daily life.
Holly has exhibited her work in galleries across the country, including a solo show at A/NT Gallery in Seattle. She has worked as an artist, educator, juror, and curator for several venues in the United States. Her Convergence painting can be seen at the Confluence Gallery during March - April 2021 for the Company of Crows and Ravens show.